
 Momma has worked the hardest she's worked at home in a while, thanks to Irma.  Yard cleanup turned into some sort of, end of summer/spring cleaning drill that hasn't stopped and continues to go now two weeks strong! 💪🏽  My Family and I are feeling thankful to have a home to come back to and to have friends that hosted us for the storm. We are also thankful to have been able to help and hope to continue to do so, in the restoration and clean up efforts.  But, during the storm prep and the anxiety, anticipation  of expecting the unexpected, I thought of many things. After my faith in God, the only other thing I could think of was family.

We use the word Family quite often in our day to day conversations with our customers, friends, and acquaintances. But, what is the the true meaning of family for you? Your immediate family? Your extended family? I find that sometimes, and quite often, we take family for granted. Thinking that because they love us unconditionally, they have to put up with everything we send their way, or that they'll always be there no matter what! Having grown up in a hispanic household, everyone who was close to us and lent us a hand, or we lent them one, was family. Sometimes that was burdensome to me as a kid. Later in life I realized that some family is like heavy baggage, while others are like carry on luggage.

According to the 1st definition of Family cited is "a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not." While some do fit the traditional definition of family, in this day in age, many couples choose not to have children, they are still very much a family. Some families are monoparental, some are blended. Some are composed of grandparents, uncles, and children, living together or very near. In essence Family to me isn't necessarily blood related. The meaning of this word although complex at times, is very simple in others. Family isn't there for you only in the good times, when things are easily dealt with. It's not a given that family will always be there for you. It's also not something that you should take for granted or take advantage of. It's the people that have watched you grow physically and mature into an adult. They end up being your biggest supporters when you start a family of your own!

I love my blood related family and miss them dearly. One side, living in Venezuela, the other in Spain. Due to the distance, I dont get to see them often. After reading several definitions of the word Family, this particular one caught my attention. Definition no.9. "a group of people who may, or may not be blood related but who share common attitudes, interests, or goals and, frequently, live together: Many hippie communes of the sixties regarded themselves as families." Although I don't live with my friends (as hippie communes😂), I live with my spouse, two boys, dog, sister, and Dad. I don't know if that makes me a hippie, but I do share a lot of my life with my chosen family! They've been there when I've needed them the most, and I hope I've been there for them too. We've also shared some fun and incredible adventures together that I will never forget! 

 What is the meaning of Family for you? After cleaning up from Irma, I read this sign I've owned for years and I thought it was quite fitting given the current circumstances. "Family: Our refuge from the storm, our link to the past, our bridge to the future"- Unknown


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