This has been the most important institution in society from it’s very beginning. Yet, it’s extremely fragile, sabotaged by many, and under appreciated by some.
Our family suffered a great loss this year. This one almost took me down like a building that is set for implosion. You would think I’m an expert in grief by now. I’m not. Grief doesn’t only mean physical life loss. It’s learning to live without someone who played a significant role in your life. You can grieve the loss of a friendship, loss of a relationship in general. Even if the relationship remains, and one moves far away, you may feel an emptiness like grief too.
When my mind starts to wander why this happened to me, or when i get angry which happens often, or I start to think about all the pain and suffering I’ve had to face, it’s a road to difficult to travel.
While it’s important to face all those thoughts and feelings, I try not to bask in them for too long, and I reframe my thoughts and think about the gratitude I feel daily.
The most important word I learned this year was : THANKFUL
•for a friend who reached out and sent me a grocery order without asking me what i needed. I often wonder if she knows how helpful and comforting that one grocery order was.
• for friends that cleaned, packed, organized, unpacked, decorated, and setup our new home.
•for a team of friends who saw the condition of our new place and decided it could use a lot of love before we moved in by painting, cleaning windows, installing floor, installing hardware, new plumbing, tile work, pressure cleaning, and the list goes on.
•for the friend that took care of our dogs so we could move without stressing about them.
•for each friend who put their heart into making our house a home.
• for those who sent us a little something to cover the unexpected expenses, and then some.
•to friends who drove 6 hours in one day to take my boys with them for a week in the middle of the chaos.
•for a friend who came to see me as I laid in bed in the dark for one whole day, just stood there and listened to me without interrupting or asking me anything.
•For my blood family who came to my rescue without me asking and just wanted to help.
•For those who took care of me while I suffered from severe panic attacks.
•For a friend who brought me some necessary things to manage the horrible anxiety I was feeling.
•For friends who constantly have my boys in mind.
•to my employers and friends who’ve helped me stand on my own two legs by providing steady income for my household.
•for friends who drove me, accompanied me, and took care of me during my health recovery process.
•for friends who provided delicious meals for my family and I when
I had to undergo surgery.
•for friends who invite my boys to enjoy some entertainment.
•for friends who invite me to join the adventures & come with me to new ones.
•for those who text me encouraging words.
•for those who call me and leave me voice mails to check up on me.
•for those who say a prayer on my family’s behalf.
•for waking up every day of 2024.
•for having my boys by my side.
•for having good doctors and medical care at my reach.
•for having people in my life who care for me as if we were related at birth.
•for being able to enjoy two wonderful pets who provide us much needed emotional support.
•for maintaining my spirituality throughout the turmoil.
•for having the strength to do things I had never before had to do on my own.
•for the safe home my parents provided to guide on how to raise children in a loving and respectful home.
All of this thankfulness comes from my answered prayers of pain and from feeling broken , yet not keeping it to myself, but fully trusting my Father in the heavens. Thank you Jehovah for providing all I needed and a little more.
I know this coming year will bring its own challenges, and more unexpected circumstances, but, I’ll be here, God willing, with my virtues and my defects and my baggage, but with firm conviction, that one day soon, this will all be over, and my happiness won’t be in danger ever again. My boys, I’m here right by you. We’ll get through anything together.
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